2014年のPremiere VisionのMaison de exceptionに出店する際の西山産業の牛首紬テキスタイルコレクションにデザインを提供しました。牛首紬の美しい糸が映えるような青をベースにし、カラフルで豊かな色彩の先染めチェック柄に仕上げました。
プロジェクト:Textile for Nishiyama Silk
リリース:2014年1月 Premiere Visionにて発表
I provided the design for Nishiyama Sangyo’s Ushikubi Tsumugi textile collection for their 2014 Premiere Vision in Maison de exception. The base is blue, which makes the beautiful threads of Ushikubi Tsumugi shine, and is finished in a colorful and richly colored yarn-dyed check pattern.
Project:Textile for Nishiyama Silk
Client:Nishiyama Silk
Season:2014SS textile collection
技法:織 素材:絹 Technique: Weave Material: Silk
牛首紬について 人の手でマユから糸を引いて糸をつくり、 そしてそれを織って布をつくる。 少し前までは誰でも知っていた伝統の技ですが、今では忘れ去られようとしています。 牛首袖はこの伝統を今なお受けつぎ、 一反一反手作業で生産しています。 USHIKUBI TSUMUGI The history of Nishiyama silk began over 800 years ago in the remote village of Ushikubi nestled at the foot of the Japanese Alps, near Mt. Hakusan,one the country’s three holy mountains. In this region, mulberry trees grow wild at high altitudes,providing a natural environment for the silkworms to thrive,and the clean, fresh water from the mountains cascades through town via the Tedori River. According to local legend, members of the Genji Clan escaped to the village after losing the Battle of Heiji in 1159 and taught villagers the secrets of raising silkworms and spinning and weaving silk. Cut off from the rest of Japan for over half the year due to extreme snowfall, silk production gave the women an occupation and became a means of survival for the village.Within several generations, Ushikubi had earned a reputation for its silk, and is now designated an Intangible Cultural Property. 牛首紬 http://www.ushikubi.co.jp/ Nishiyama Silk https://nishiyamasilk.com/