Inspired by the Lenticular Effect, we applied foam printing techniques and successfully created patterns in which two kinds of creatures can be alternately seen. (Could be said ‘Hide and Seek’ Textile design)
Dynamic visual lenticular effects are visible to the viewers by the movement of the people who wear the T-shirts with this print on.
I intentionally chose animals and dinosaurs that are popular among kids as the design motifs ,and developed the product size lines at 110cm and 130cm for kids and SML sizes for grown-ups so that all the generations can enjoy the products.
※What is lenticular effect?
The image changes depending on the observer’s viewing angle as if it moves and sometimes becomes 3D object as in the animation. The effect is called Lenticular Effect taking advantage of the unintentional shift of the optical focuses of eye lenses.
子供に人気の動物や恐竜をモチーフに選び、大人から子供まで楽しめるように110cm、120cmと大人S M Lまで展開しています。