Textile Designer /Lecturer at Tama Art University
光井 花
Hana Mitsui
Hana Mitsui has been reinterpreting the traditional textiles that are being inherited in many areas in Japan and
by transforming the traditional designs to fit to the modern lifestyles, she has been exploring the new inspiring products.
A brief work history
1990年 アメリカ、コネチカット州生まれ。多摩美術大学生産デザイン学科テキスタイルデザイン専攻卒業。イギリスにある大学院 Royal College of Art、テキスタイル領域修士課程修了。Alexander McQueenに修了製作が採用され、2015SS パリコレクションにて自身の手掛けたテキスタイルを発表。帰国後は、株式会社イッセイミヤケにてテキスタイルのデザイン、バッグのデザインに7年程携わる。その後The North Faceの日本企画のデザインに携わりながら、フリーランスのテキスタイデザイナーとして活動を開始。2023年にクライアントの要望に沿ったデザインを行うHana Textile Design Studioを設立し、2024年9月にはマテリアルの研究や実験の中での面白い気付きをデザインに落とし込み商品化するHANA LAB (Hana Material Design Laboratory) 株式会社を設立。商品は2024冬ごろより順次商品発売開始予定。
Born in 1990 in Connecticut, USA. She completed her master’s degree at the Royal College of Art 2014 in London, England. While she was at Royal College of Art, the fabric she designed won the favor of Alexander McQueen and was used in their 2015SS collection. After returning to Japan, she was involved in textile designs and bag designs at ISSEY MIYAKE for 7 years, and then established Hana Textile Design Studio in Tokyo, Japan in 2023. In order to actually produce the products, she has established Hana Material Design Laboratory, Inc. in addition to the Studio,In the firm she has been studying and testing the potentials of many different materials and making all her inspirations into the actual designs and products. Around the end of 2024 the new product lines are scheduled to be released progressively.
Currently she is working as a visiting lecturer at Tama Art University’s Textile Design Department in addition to her own practice. She creates textile designs not only for garments industries but also for interior and architecture design fields.
Hana Mitsui’s Career
2024年 Hana Material Design Laboratory株式会社設立 (福岡・東京/日本)
2023年 多摩美術大学生産デザイン学科テキスタイルデザイン専攻非常勤講師就任 (東京/日本)
2022年-2023年 株式会社GOLDWIN、The North Face部門アパレルデザイナー (東京/日本)
2022年 フリーランステキスタイルデザイナーとして活動開始 (東京/日本)
2015年-2021年 株式会社イッセイミヤケにてテキスタイル、バッグのデザイン企画 (東京/日本)
2014年 株式会社NUNO、インターン(東京/日本)
2014年 Alexander McQeen、テキスタイルコンサルタント (ロンドン/イギリス)
2014年 イギリスの美術大学院 Royal College of Art 修了 (ロンドン/イギリス)
2013年 MMtrend、インターン (コペンハーゲン/デンマーク)
2012年 多摩美術大学生産デザイン学科テキスタイルデザイン専攻卒業 (東京/日本)
1990年 アメリカ、コネチカット州生まれ
2024 Established Hana Material Design Laboratory Inc. (Tokyo and Fukuoka,Japan)
2023-Presant Visiting Lecturer at Tama Art University,Textile Department (Tokyo,Japan)
2022-2023 Apparel designer at The North Face Japan owned by GOLDWIN inc. (Tokyo,Japan)
2022- Started working as a Freelance Textile Designer (Tokyo,Japan)
2015-2021 Textile and Bag designer at ISSEY MIYAKE (Tokyo,Japan)
2014 Internship at NUNO (Tokyo,Japan)
2014 Textile consultant for Alexander McQueen’s 2015SS collection (London,England)
2014 Graduated Royal College of Art, MA Textiles (London,England)
2013 Internship at MMtrend, creating the concept of fashion color trend (Copenhagen,Denmark)
2012 Graduated Tama Art University, BA Textile Design as a department representative (Tokyo,Japan)
1990 Born in New Haven,Connecticut,United States
- メッセフランクフルトよりInterior Lifestyle展にてYoung Designer Award受賞 (2024年/日本)
Young Designer Award, Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2024
Issued by Messe Frankfurt, 2024 Germany and Tokyo - Royal College of ArtよりSUSTAIN RCA展にてVisionary Process Winner受賞 (2014年/イギリス)
Visionary Process Winner ,SUSTAIN RCA SHOW
Issued by Royal College of Art, 2014 London,U.K - The Bradford Textile Society Design CompetitionにてCommendation award-woven fabric in any Fibre or Blend受賞 (2013年/イギリス)
Commendation award-woven fabric in any Fibre or Blend ,The Bradford Textile Society Design Competition
Issued by The Bradford Textile Society, 2013 London,U.K - 多摩美術大学校友会より優秀学生に贈られる奨学金授与 (2011年/日本)
Scholarship for outstanding students
Issued by Tama Art University, 2011 Tokyo,Japan
- DESIGNTIDE TOKYO2024 / 2024 November
in Tokyo, Japan - Interior Lifestyle Tokyo / 2024 June
in Tokyo, Japan
TALENTS category, stand name: HANA TEXTILE DESIGN STUDIO - Milano Salone Satellite / 2024 April
in Milan, Italy
stand no.B16 HANA MITSUI TEXTILE at Milan Design week - Premiere Vision / 2024 February
in Paris, France
Exhibited textile collection in collaboration with SHIMOGAWA - SUSTAIN RCA SHOW
in London, U.K
at Royal College of Art , 2014
Lectures and Workshops
- Lectures about my experience in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, China sponsored by Mutual Threads / August 2024
- Lectures about my experience at TOKYO ZOKEI UNIVERSITY / June 2024
- Lectures about my experience at TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FASHION UNIVERSITY / June 2024
- Workshop ” Creating the Textiles that illuminate healing light” at Tokyo Association of Architects Youth Committee / May 2024